FinnCham China - Promoting Finnish Business in China


FinnCham is an organization consisting of companies and organizations having interest in promoting collaboration between Finnish companies in areas of trade and industry (related issues) within the People’s Republic of China. FinnCham operates as an expert forum working in collaboration with Finnish governmental organizations facilitating Finnish business in China. FinnCham was established in the 1990s and has since provided a useful network of contact points for both newcomers and those who have been doing business longer in the region. We actively organize events and other networking opportunities for our members and serve as a contact point among Finnish business. FinnCham also participates in broader level co-operation providing local business insights for state-level collaboration conducted by Finnish governmental organizations.


FinnCham’s mission is to help Finnish companies to succeed in China through experience & knowledge sharing, networking, and collaborative advocacy. Key activities of FinnCham Beijing are:

• Providing a forum for information and experience exchange
• Representing its members and their interests
• Arranging topical events and get-togethers for its members.

FinnCham Beijing also co-operates closely with other FinnChams in China, located in Shanghai and Guangzhou, and Hong Kong.


FinnCham Beijing has currently around 60 company members representing various industries. See the full member list in Membership Directory.


FinnCham Beijing is supervised by the board. Activities are run by Executive Director, board and a group of active members and contacts in other Finnish organizations. FinnCham Beijing is grateful for the valuable help we get from active members and contacts in other organizations.